Spanish for Children

Approved Ocean Grove Vendor

Instructor Gina Covello graduated with honors from University of California, Santa Cruz with a double major in English Literature and Language & Culture Studies. She received her MA in Hispanic Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. She has experience with Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Junior High and High School teaching experience and is an approved vendor for Ocean Grove Charter Home School. She is also experienced in working with learning challenges such as dyslexia and oral processing challenges. See our Yelp reviews.

ECE: Started the School Readiness program for Mt. Diablo Unified School District in conjunction with First 5 Contra Costa.

Elementary Education: Experience teaching 3rd Grade for Los Angeles School District and 6th Grade English while serving in U.S. Peace Corps in Costa Rica. Has extensive tutoring experience through Meyers Learning Center. Currently offers after school Spanish programs at Discovery Charter with Tessellations in the works. She is also an approved vendor for Ocean Grove Charter Homeschooling District.

Junior High: Started the Spanish Program at St. Justin School, Santa Clara and taught Grades 6-8.

High School: Experience teaching Spanish at Anzar High School, San Juan Bautista to heritage speakers in Grades 9-12 and taught Spanish 3. Has extensive experience tutoring and working with small groups.

Passport to Latin America: Cost for small group classes is $40/hour per student with a minimum of 2 students. Contact Us to get a group going.

We offer a fun program for students to learn basic Spanish and culture as we travel virtually throughout Latin America. Virtual travel includes a passport with stickers and may even include a Zoom call to our friends in southern countries. Your child will learn basic vocabulary and grammar through music, art and fun.

We can also customize a program to your child’s interest. In the past, this has included vocabulary and practice activities for Minecraft, Clash Royale, nature, flowers, manners, and more! We incorporate fun, hands-on learning, games, and cultural lessons.

High School: Your child can join one of our adult Spanish Conversational Series . Private tutoring is also available. Cost of private tutoring is $125/hour. We have had great success with raising students grades from failing to A’s and B’s. See our reviews on Yelp.

COSTA RICA IMMERSION:  We hope to go for June or July 2025. Plans for dates and costs are underway. Stay tuned. The program is open to adults or families. If children want to participate, they must attend with at least one parent. This program will be highly interactive and task based. You will have the opportunity to live with a local family and experience complete immersion. For pricing and details click here.

boy holding sign markerfeltfontStudies show that exposing young children to another language actually helps with brain development. Executive Director of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages said, “When you expose young children to another language, they really end up with a native pronunciation and intonation, which is harder to develop later on, and it also works a different part of the brain,” Abbott said. “We always talk about the cognitive benefit of learning another language at an early age, and there are also academic benefits, like increased proficiency in language arts.”

3 thoughts on “Spanish for Children

  1. My daughter is an 8th grade homeschooler with Ocean Grove. We are interested in having her enrolled in the beginners Spanish class. Can you please give me information regarding pricing so that I can submit a purchase order to Ocean Grove

  2. Hi there. My 5 year old is very interested in learning Spanish. She is currently in kinder, but is pretty advanced cognitively (reads at 3rd/4th grade level). She knows a little Spanish, has taught herself how to roll her r’s…. and I want to capitalize on her enthusiasm.

    I am aware that your level with children start in the 1st grade and you began your fall classes already. When do you start your next round of classes? Can you please give me the cost? Thanks much.

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