Month: December 2009

Practice the Spanish Basics

O.k. I don’t LOVE this, but it is kind of cool to be able to click on the words all in one place to hear the pronunciation. It is a little strange using children’s voices. And we do not use ordinal numbers for the dates of the month in Spanish – maybe in Spain they […]

Speaking in Tongues – Award-Winning Documentary

“Speaking in Tongues” is an award-winning documentary that documents the journey of four children on their quest to become bilingual. Jason is a first-generation Mexican American whose family embraces bilingualism as the key to full participation in the land of opportunity. Durrell is an African American kindergartner whose mother hopes that learning Mandarin will be […]

How NOT To Be the Ugly American When Traveling

LEARN ABOUT SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL BEFORE YOU GO Sustainable travel means acting as a conscientious tourist, careful with the environments you explore and respecting the communities you visit. Two overlapping components of sustainable travel are ecotourism and ethical tourism. The International Ecotourism Society (TIES)( defines ecotourism as respon­sible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment […]

Living and Learning the Language

This article was featured in the October 2009 edition of the Language Educator. It is by Janine Erickson, the President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. She advocates for travel to a country where the target language is spoken to really live and learn it. Keep this in mind when considering […]